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Proyek Karbon Biru

Where Do We Plant? What Makes Silvofishery Different?

Planting trees are easy, building a forest is not.
The primary challenges of afforestation and reforestation (AF/RF) efforts are twofold: land ownership and lack of economic benefits to stakeholders and to community.

We named our conservation area #ForeverForest, referring to a forest that is permanent.

1. Land is Power
For us, ownership is not merely a transaction; it is a declaration of intent, a commitment to stewardship that extends beyond our lifetimes. Forever is not a concept to be taken lightly: no ‘if’s, no ‘but’s. Forever is forever — is a vow.

The launch of #ForeverForest marked a new chapter for Karbon Biru. We internalizes land prices into the cost of planting mangroves. This move was life-changing, Karbon Biru can securing the land tenure necessary to build mangrove forest without threats of displacement.  

2. Conservation shall bring economic benefits
Many communities depend on their land for their livelihoods, whether through fishing, or other activities. Planting trees, while beneficial for the environment, does not immediately translate into tangible benefits for local society.

Silvofishery combines forestry and aquaculture, allowing communities to cultivate fish, crabs, mussels, seaweed, and other strong aquatic species within the mangrove ecosystems. This approach not only provides a source of income but also ensures the sustainability of both forestry and food security.

Visit our silvofishery:
#BluingTheEarth Tanjung Pecinan, Situbondo, East Java, Indonesia

Past Projects

Bluing The Earth #6 with Fordive


Bluing The Earth #6 with Fordive

22 January 2024

Bluing The Earth #5 with Universitas Ciputra


Bluing The Earth #5 with Universitas Ciputra

19 March 2023

Bluing The Earth #4: Buy 1 Plant 1 with Emti


Bluing The Earth #4: Buy 1 Plant 1 with Emti

12 February 2023

Bluing The Earth #3 with Fordive #LoveMoreLiveMore


Bluing The Earth #3 with Fordive #LoveMoreLiveMore

7 December 2022

Bluing The Earth 2: Coca-Cola x Karbon Biru


Bluing The Earth 2: Coca-Cola x Karbon Biru

22 September 2022

Bluing The Earth #1: Mangrove International Day


Bluing The Earth #1: Mangrove International Day

26 July 2022

Kami percaya pesisir, wilayah pertemuan daratan dengan lautan, telah menjadi sistem yang paling dinamis, multifungsi, dan ekstensif dalam sejarah manusia: pemukiman, sektor ekonomi, transportasi global, dan industri pariwisata.

Sementara itu, lahan basah pesisir memiliki dua peran penting bagi bumi;

1) Penghalang alami yang melindungi pantai dari tsunami, erosi, angin, dan kenaikan air laut yang secara alami meredam gelombang, dan

2) Menjaga stok karbon hingga 70% dari total stok karbon. Meskipun pasar biru efektif dalam penyerapan karbon, laju hilangnya hutan bakau empat kali lebih besar dibandingkan hutan hujan tropis. Jika ekosistem mangrove tidak dipulihkan, diperkirakan vegetasi pesisir akan hilang dalam 20 tahun ke depan dan laju serapan CO2 global akan berkurang sebesar 25%.

Oleh karena itu, inilah langkah-langkah yang telah kami lakukan untuk mencapai kemajuan #BirukanBumi, karena ekosistem lahan basah telah menjadi salah satu isu yang menjadi perhatian internasional, khususnya deforestasi mangrove di negara-negara tropis.

Kami mengundang Anda (bisnis, institusi, dan individu) untuk membuat kemajuan bersama kami.


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